A La Carte (10.7.16)


Some great articles for your weekend!

A Few Tips for Raising Boys: “…these were the things I wish someone had told me before getting on this rollercoaster.”

Wiffle Ball, Parenting, and Child’s Play: “Parenting is never anything less than prophetic warnings and discernment and rules and discipline. But these things exist — not unlike the special boundaries and rules around backyard Wiffle ball games — in order to carve out space and rules in order for the delight of play to flourish in the boundaries of obedience.”

3 Ways to Teach Your Kids to Pray for the Persecuted Church: “David didn’t have a heart for North Korea by accident. He had a mother and father who modeled for him how to pray for the nations.”

God Would Never Ask Me to Sacrifice My Kids…Right?:But what if our kids’ activities become so important that we have no time for ministry?  No time to get to know our neighbors?  No time even for church?  What if God called my children to be missionaries…in Congo…in Iraq…in North Korea?  What if I was convicted that the college money would be better spent showing a dying neighbor that Jesus loves him?  Would I resist….or obey?”

What Makes a Good Mom?: “…We can be good mothers because Christ has laid down his life for us so that we can lay down our lives for them. We can be good mothers because we have been forgiven our sins and can forgive our children their sins. We can be good mothers because at the foot of the cross, we can get the grace to repent and turn from every sinful thing we do and be filled with his Spirit. And the fruit of that Spirit is goodness. We can be good mothers only and always because of Christ…”

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